Thursday, July 15, 2010

Annex Beach

I work at a place we call "the Annex," and believe it or not, this beach is right across the street from us... so we call it, Annex Beach. It's extremely shallow, and at low-tide there's about 100 yards of floor exposed. It is magical!
Max loves to explore here, looking for rocks and coral. And when he's not exploring, he's showing off his muscles and dance moves.
My favorite thing about Annex Beach is that it's dog-friendly. So, on a hot day Cisco can wade in belly-high water and soak it all up into his coat.
There's plenty of space for Cisco to chase Kev chasing Max.
Lucy can hunt for treasure until her heart's content.
Brenna and Max can test their courage by dancing around sand crabs.
Proof that I was actually here, too :)
Airplanes and helicopters fly overhead often, so it's fun to wave at people coming to join us on the island.
The low-tide doesn't last long (less than an hour) before the water returns to reclaim the floor.
I'll give you one guess of who needed a bath the most at the end of the day.
Lululemon says, "Live near the ocean and inhale the pure salt air that flows over the water..."

We're so blessed to live in a place surrounded by so much natural beauty and fresh air. When I imagine Max looking back at his childhood later in life, I think he'll be happy with the memories and experiences he's made at places like Annex Beach. I love that he sees the outdoors more than he sees the TV, and most of all I love that he has friends to share these moments with. Life is good.

1 comment:

Julie Catoe said...

I have not had the experience like you guys have at that beach. When I was there it was high tide. I want to call it the Cisco beach cause he had the run of that place. The kids love it there, looks like fun. Hopefully next time I can be there to experience the Annex Beach.