Saturday, April 10, 2010

"What's that on her face?"

So, today Max saw a woman on TV and asked me, "Dad, um, what's that on her face?" He pointed to her cheeks with a determined child's curiosity and clarified, "See, those things! What are those?" He was talking about her freckles, and when I explained that some people just have them, he declared in a tone that would break any parent's heart, "I wish I had freckles, too." *light bulb*

So, I grabbed one of Sandra's eyeliner pencils and gave Max freckles. He loved them, and actually looked pretty cute :)

Then my little awesome decided to turn the pencil on me so I could have freckles, too!

However, mine didn't come out quite as nice. I guess some people just have a better face for 'em.

Still, it was a fun moment, and now it's a great memory.


Marnie said...

Oh for the LOVE! That is so stinkin' cute, Speed... He is so adorable. He has gotten so big!! That is going to be one of those memories that sticks with you forever. Just like freckles. ;)

Julie Catoe said...

FRECKLES are the CUTEST! I love that little boy.
I always hated my freckles when I was little(cause I got them a lot)
My mom told me one day when I was crying about them,that they were kisses from the sun and from that day I loved that I had freckles, I felt special.
Lucy does not have freckles but Brenna gets them and I love it. I tell her all the time how beautiful they are on her and that they are kisses from the sun.
I love that Max notices things like that and he thinks about it and he has the coolest Dad that put them on him.
Awesome Parent moment.

Hawaii Soccer Mom said...

GOD! Max looks amazingly cute with freckles!! Your freckles look, um.. well, Max tried. And that's what's important. I love you two soooo much!

P.S. Guess what my captcha is!?! "maxpain"!